Remote working

I'm not comfortable to work on a laptop during all day. I prefer working with a mouse, keyboard and a screen at head height. When I work remotely, I had to make space on my desktop, push the keyboard away, disconnect the screen, reconnect it to my laptop and even after all of that, I have not so much space. I wonder if another solution exists, a simpler one. Can I use my laptop as a server ? How ? My first idea was Remote Desktop.

Remote Desktop

This is a solution provided by Microsoft and permits to control your PC from another one. This is very good if you have Windows on your laptop. Later, I change for Debian, so I have to install the rdp package and it works well. Then I installed Wayland (a new alternative to X11 window manager) and it works less well ^^. So I tried to find another solution.


Slow, blurry and a pain to make it work. I abandonned quickly.


I know why I didn't try to work over SSH before. I had to learn Vim but it was a very good experience. Vim is a very powerful terminal text editor and good at modifying text. At this time, I was on a long going project, it was perfect but now, I'm on a new project, and for a new project, I prefer to use VS Code. It's easier to create files, move files, ... I tried some other terminal text editor to find one that can fit my needs. And finally, I found the missing link: the "Remote - SSH" extension for VS Code. Like "Remote - WSL", "Remote - SSH" install a VS Code server on the remote machine and allows to edit, create files remotely like on your local machine.

However, care must be taken to create a suitable dev environment:

# start in terminal mode (not
systemctl set-default
# extinguish the screen backlight
brightnessctl set 0
# I can also turn the screen off but I didn't find a simple command to do that at this moment.

Benefits are:

Now, I just have to start my laptop, connect it to the ethernet and it's done.

Hope it will help someone one day.

Be lazy, be smart.


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