Mounting drives and shares

Using mount command

mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usbdrive

In /etc/fstab


# mount a drive
UUID=<uuid>	/backup	 ext4    defaults 0 0

Samba share

# mount a smb share
//			/backup		cifs	rw,iocharset=utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,credentials=/etc/smbclient.conf		0	0

And put your credentials in /etc/smbclient.conf



Structure of the file:

<File system>   <mnt>   <type fs>   <options>   <dump>  <pass>

File system

It could be the path to the device like /dev/sda1 or the UUID of the drive (more reliable), you can get it with lsblk

Mounting point

It's the path where you want to mount your device. It could be anything like /mnt/backup or /home for example.

File system type

It's the partition of your drive like (ext4, fat32, ...)



Use by dump. It can be 0 or 1. If 0, dump will ignore it.


Use by fschk. Can be 2 enable fschk to check it or 0 to ignore it. 1 is reserved for root partition


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